4 Colonial Way, Suite 1

Machias, Maine


11-4, closed Sunday

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Welcome Yarn Lovers and Fiber Folks of all stripes!

Welcome to the Wooleez of Maine Blog where I (Melissa, owner, and chief yarn aficionado at Wooleez) have a chance to share information with you. I hope to keep the posts light, humorous, and fun. You can comment below to share your knowledge and insights or to ask questions.

The only thing that gets my goat (or sheep) would be negative or nasty comments against anyone. Please refrain and go scream in a pillow. Just don’t post them here, or you could get the boot. Of course, you can disagree! Let’s also be respectful.

I have had so many folks come to the shop and tell me amazing stories and share pictures. I hope to be able to share some of them with their permission, of course. If you are working on special projects, love a specific type of yarn, or have stories about how your momma or grandma would make a knitted/crocheted/tatted – whatever! – item, and you remember something special about it, I’d love to hear.

I am also looking for the future of wools and yarns. There have been some fascinating advances that I hope to share. Looking forward to a weekly get together, and if something exciting comes my way, you can be sure it’ll be sooner.

Best Regards,
With Double Pointed Needles raised and Crochet Hooks at the ready!